
Louise Timm

Louise Timm

I have been teaching yoga in Copenhagen since 2005. I have taught yoga to small and tall. I have guided yogasessions in companies and I have taught drop-in yoga classes, class courses and workshops to men, women, pregnant mammas, and teenagers.

I teach yoga from my personal experience and the many hours I have spendt on the yogamat. It is on the yogamat where I have trained, learnt and experienced movement, yogaposes and breath in my own body and I teach yoga from how I have walked through my life, the moments I have had, moments which have changed me, made me into who I am – I would say I am quite authentic in my classes and honest about life and what it has to offer to us all.

Yoga offers the opportunity of being life changing – anyone can practise yoga whether they can touch their toes or not. And anyone can move & be touched by breath and the ability to sense the body and its wisdom. As a yogateacher I will support you on your journey offering my knowledge and wisdom and guidance. As a person I am, like you, for the ride and joy of life.

My wish is for you to find freedom in your body and in your breath, and in doing so finding balance in your life, making you feel at peace with who you & your body are.



Yoga with Louise

Our Yoga Studio

Yoga in the Studio
 Østerbrogade 56e, 2100 København Ø

Our Yoga Studio